Keen Physique Blog

Picture of Matt, a personal trainer, holding his brekky smoothie with a garden in the background.

RECIPE: Recovery Brekky Smoothie

After a long run, I CRAVE something that is ice-cold, refreshing, and will kickstart recovery. This smoothie contains over 50g of protein, a hefty dose of carbohydrates to refill my glycogen stores, and 28g of fibre (literally my recommended daily intake)!

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An image of vegan personal trainer Matt pulling a funny face while doing an elbow plank.

How To ACTUALLY Train Your Core

Core strength is SO MUCH MORE than crunches and planks. Check this blog out for a functional anatomy review, education on what your core is, and how to actually train it to improve longevity and spine health.

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An image with a plate holding vegan sausage rolls and tomato sauce.

RECIPE: Vegan Sausage Rolls

Enjoy making these super easy but super tasty vegan sausage rolls! These knocked the socks off my family and friends at Christmas, but really, they’d be perfect at any time of year. They’re healthy too, packed with plant-based protein and over 8 different plants!

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Image of a vegan protein oat & banana slice, with 4 serves loosely stacked on top each other.

RECIPE: Banana Oat Protein Flapjack

If I had to describe my perfect snack, this would be it.

A satisfying flapjack with oats to keep you full, banana to keep you energised, and crystallised ginger for a kick! Great for that 3pm slump, or as a pre/post-workout snack.

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Image of overnight oats ready to eat, topped with berries and soy protein crisps.

RECIPE: Overnight Oats

It may not be the most exciting recipe, but I guarantee you this is tasty and ticks so many boxes. This brekky is filled with an array of plant-based ingredients to give you a big hit of protein, fibre and healthy omegas. Get ready to feel alert and fuelled up for whatever the day throws at you.

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Image of guitar volume and tone knobs.

The Truth To Being Toned

“I want to increase tone”. It’s the most common goal personal trainers hear from their clients. The allure of a slim, defined body is something I’m sure all of us have wanted at one point or another.

But why? Why has this goal been so prevalent amongst us all, and why do we generally associate being “ripped” with being healthy?

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Image of protein pea soup with toast on the side.

RECIPE: Protein Pea Soup

Soup has a reputation for being a “light” meal. The kind of thing you go for when wanting a low calorie option. But, it can be so much more! I hope you enjoy this nutrient-dense, high-protein and delicious soup, packed with over 9 different plants and 35g of protein per serve!

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