I’m a Brisbane-based personal trainer, and the person behind Keen Physique. I have one aim with all my clients: educate and empower them to move better, for longer.
I have been a practising Podiatrist since 2012; a career which regularly places people aged 30 and above in front of me who struggle with musculoskeletal pain and other health issues. I want to change this, especially when we know that most chronic disease is preventable, and can be addressed with improvements to strength, mobility, movement quality, and nutrition.
A thought often circulating in my head is, “How do I want to move and feel years from now?”
Three key words have always stood out for me: Balance, Sustainabilty, & Longevity. These are the pillars to Keen Physique, and have guided me in how I choose to exercise, and why I became vegan in 2015.
I believe we should choose types of movement that are physically AND mentally beneficial, because if you enjoy how you move, you’ll do it for longer. Additionally, it’s important to remember that our actions can have an impact on more than just ourself, so make them positive.
Increasing strength and lean muscle mass are incredibly important for our health. These two factors help us function at our most optimal level, improve bone mineral density, and help to prevent injury and disease.
Life requires a lot of us sometimes, and if we’re prepared for what it throws at us, we’re more likely to thrive. You should be able to move heavy things and go for a jog, climb a load of stairs without feeling joint pain, balance on one leg to put your shoes on, as well as play and keep up with your loved ones, FOR LIFE!
Life balance is my priority, and making time for all the things that bring me joy. When I’m not working or working out, you can find me doing one of the below.